
All students write a dissertation, which may be based on a particular issue relating to their work in their home country. The dissertation topic and proposal must be approved by the University, and may involve original research, or be an analysis of a topic based on secondary sources. Students start the process in the first term; special arrangements will be made for students following the accelerated programme.

Students may write an individual dissertation, or may produce a longer piece of work in pairs or trios, with the University’s approval. The dissertation provides an opportunity for originality in developing and/or applying ideas, and applying knowledge and understanding how to solve problems. It also develops skills in communicating conclusions, and the knowledge and rationale underpinning these, clearly and unambiguously.

RES 420 Dissertation Research 20 EC

To develop rigorous skills of theoretical and applied research, analysis and writing through in-depth study of a chosen subject or problem leading to the production of a dissertation at Master’s level.